Tag: Route 66

  • Route 66, Day 4: Oklahoma City is So, So Pretty (You’ll see!)

    Finally, I’m caught up! Check out @tamarasiuda on Twitter for photographs and various musings as they happen (and/or at the nearest rest stop to where they happened). Once I get to California, I’ll update these entries with links and photos. (ETA: Links and photos added February 11, 2012). Tulsa onward across Oklahoma was more interesting…

  • Route 66, Day 3: Down through Missouri….

    Day Two of the Route 66 Adventure (more realistically, the Avoid Weather To California Move) didn’t end very well, alas.

  • Route 66, Day 2: It DOES go down to Saint Louis!

    (note: this is a report for Saturday’s driving, though I didn’t get a chance to type it up until Sunday. Relevant photographs can be viewed on Twitter (@tamarasiuda) in real time. More photos and links were edited in on February 10, 2012.) My old iPod has a little habit, sometimes endearing and sometimes not, of…

  • Route 66, Day 1: It Goes Down to St. Louis (not)

    Today started the journey to California, where after a decade solely on my own and working for the temple, I’ll be rejoining the for-profit sector in hopes of being able to afford health insurance and student loans. I was supposed to start out yesterday, but simply had too much to do to wrap up my…