Category: Gratitude

  • Rainy Day Thinking

    It’s pouring rain. I missed this sound this summer more than I realized, if my reaction is any indication. The scent of wet leaves and earth, the sound of the runoff from the roof and the pattering on the window next to where I’m typing, the need to turn on a light because it’s so…

  • Renewal

    For most, July is the “middle” of the year, when things slow down and get lazy, the heat of the summer (or the cold of the winter, if you’re in the other hemisphere) starts getting to you, and thoughts turn not to immediate plans but the past and the future. For me, it’s the final…

  • Patrons wanted – help grow my work!

    With the advice and help of some friends, I am now listed on Patreon as a content creator. If you’re unfamiliar, Patreon is sort of the digital equivalent of the fan clubs people my age and older were part of when we were younger. In return for monthly support of an artist, patrons receive perks…

  • Opening doors

    Zigzag is complaining at me again. He’s frustrated that I seem to spend so much of my time sitting in front of the bright box on the desk, and not enough time petting him or playing with him. He’s also fussy and not sure what he wants; if I do stop, pick up a toy,…

  • Daybook Perpetual Planner: Kickstarter live (and 50% there already!)

    Yesterday afternoon, the Kickstarter campaign for the companion perpetual planner calendar to The Ancient Egyptian Daybook launched. Just 24 hours or so in, it’s already halfway to the goal with very little advertisement from me. I’m very pleased about this; it means that those who have received (or are about to receive – still shipping!)…