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Category: Kemetic Orthodoxy
Rainy Day Thinking
It’s pouring rain. I missed this sound this summer more than I realized, if my reaction is any indication. The scent of wet leaves and earth, the sound of the runoff from the roof and the pattering on the window next to where I’m typing, the need to turn on a light because it’s so…
Patrons wanted – help grow my work!
With the advice and help of some friends, I am now listed on Patreon as a content creator. If you’re unfamiliar, Patreon is sort of the digital equivalent of the fan clubs people my age and older were part of when we were younger. In return for monthly support of an artist, patrons receive perks…
…has it really been six months?
No, actually. It’s been seven since I moved. Wow. I’ve been blogging, actually, just not on this particular site (forgive me). There are ruminations about Vodou over at, and then I have been posting about the various things that I do in my Kemetic practice on the official website for that. It seems that…
News and new posts and websites, oh my!
Plenty going on around here since my last post about the Kickstarter campaign. Incidentally, if you missed the campaign but you’d still like to get in on campaign-packaged perks before the Daybook release, there’s now a website for that. I’ve also been posting to my religious blog, which has a new URL (the old one…