News & Events

Now Appearing on Patreon!
Since 2017, Tamara has a patron’s page (like a fan club, with perks and rewards for financial support) at Patreon. Join us!
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March 2024
The long awaited Complete Encyclopedia of Egyptian Deities releases everywhere books are sold on April 4, 2024, If you’re interested in a signed copy of this big beautiful hardcover, preorders are open until March 26 and will start shipping March 30. Click here at the website bookstore!

12 February 2023
The Bookstore is Open!
My personal website now features a bookstore containing all of my works in print (ebooks remain on their own website at Stargazer Design).
Check out the new bookstore here!

February 2023
42 PURIFICATIONS Preorders Now Open
42 Purifications: Translations & Commentary on Utterance 125 of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, an expanded, deluxe color new version of my 2003 translations of and meditations on the 42 “Laws of Ma’at” includes in Utterance 125 of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, was published in February 2023 in paperback and hardback editions and is now available for preorders (delivering mid-March 2023) from the website bookstore!

December 2022
100 GODS OF EGYPT has a new name and publisher!
Llewellyn Publications has picked up my “100 Gods of Egypt” Kickstarter project (see 8 February 2018 below). It has been updated to become a much larger book called The Complete Encyclopedia of Ancient Egyptian Deities: Gods, Goddesses, and Spirits of Ancient Egypt and Nubia, with a forward by Awakening Osiris author Normandi Ellis and a projected publication date of winter 2023! See the official website for more information and updates.

11-16 July 2022
12th International Congress of Coptic Studies lecture
At the International Association of Coptic Studies’ Coptic Congress 2022 at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels, Belgium on Friday, July 15, I presented a lecture around my continuing research into challenges in contemporary Coptic martyrology. Publication is in preparation.

20 April 2020
Glitch Bottle Episode 69 Interview!
I was interviewed by Alexander Eth of the Glitch Bottle podcast on ancient Egyptian religion and how it manifests in today’s world, among lots of other fun things. It was a great conversation and you can listen in at YouTube here.

30 November 2018
Dissertation Defense Complete!
As of today I am now Dr. Tamara L. Siuda. A summary of my defense is available here. It will be prepared for publication so the dissertation may be embargoed until publication; more information forthcoming as it becomes available.

20-21 July 2018
19th St. Shenouda/UCLA Conference of Coptic Studies lecture
I presented a second paper as a doctoral candidate at the annual Coptic Studies conference jointly held by UCLA and the St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society. “Challenges in Contemporary Coptic Martyrology” relates to my dissertation on Coptic martyrology, and focuses on four urgent needs in the preservation and perpetuation of the memory of contemporary Coptic martyrs. More on the conference here.

16-18 March 2018
Paganicon 8 lectures and events
This was my third appearance at Paganicon in Minneapolis, MN. I was one of the sponsors for the Pagans/Polytheists of Color & Allies suite in room 225 again, with its own schedule; and I lectured and offered events on the convention schedule including a Kemetic Orthodox ceremony for Osiris and the ancestors; a panel on cultural appropriation in religion; an author panel on publishing; and a lecture about ancient and classical Alexandria as a model for modern multicultural life. More at the Paganicon official schedule.

8 February 2018
100 GODS OF EGYPT Kickstarter Campaign – Funding Successful!
See the official website for more information and updates. We raised $10,967, or more than 500% of the initial $2,000 goal. The final project, a book with 100 essays about ancient Egyptian deities, will be published in 2019. [note: see December 2023 update!]

14-15 July 2017
18th St. Shenouda/UCLA Conference of Coptic Studies lecture
I presented my first paper as a doctoral candidate at the annual Coptic Studies conference jointly held by UCLA and St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society. “St. Salib (Pistavros the Neo-Martyr), St. Sidhom Bishay, and Coptic Martyrology as History” relates to my dissertation on Coptic martyrology, its continuation and perpetuation of pharaonic ancestor veneration, and its use as a vehicle for Coptic political and cultural identity. More on the conference here.

17-19 March 2017
Paganicon 7 lectures and events
I attended Paganicon 7 in Minneapolis, where I spoke on several panels around Indigenous appropriation/Indigenous issues in Neopaganism and a separate panel about publishing. Separately, I lectured about the ancient Egyptian calendar on Sunday (followed by a book signing), and hosted a Haitian Vodou service Saturday evening in honor of Sosyete Fos Fe Yo We’s eleventh anniversary. Our sosyete co-hosted the Pagans/Polytheists of Color & Allies suite in room 224 all weekend, with its own schedule. More details on the Paganicon schedule at their official website.

7-8 January 2017
Curious Gallery PDX lecture
I presented a lecture at Curious Gallery in Portland on Sunday, January 8, about ancient Egyptian mummies and their modern fates. Read a post with the lecture abstract here. Curious Gallery is a two-day event in celebration of art, nature, and culture in the spirit of the wunderkammer tradition.

25-30 July 2016
11th International Congress of Coptic Studies lecture
At the International Association of Coptic Studies’ Coptic Congress 2016 held at Claremont Graduate University on Tuesday, July 27, I presented a lecture entitled “Revisiting the Chronology of Coptic Martyrology.” Its accompanying paper will appear in a conference volume to be published in 2023 by Brill. Read the abstract here on page 45.

18-20 March 2016
Paganicon 6 lectures and events
I was one of the guests of honor for Paganicon 6 in Minneapolis, MN. Along with appearances with the other guests of honor and panel discussions throughout the weekend, I gave lectures on Vodou and Kemetic topics, and hosted a discussion around being involved in religions that aren’t part of one’s ancestral history. A Vodou service on Saturday evening in honor of Sosyete Fos Fe Yo We’s 10th anniversary, as well as open social events, were hosted by the Sosyete suite. You can hear a conversation about Paganicon 2016 with the guests of honor here, from a podcast recorded January 30. (Note: this recording contains a show that was on before our interviews. We start at the 1:00 mark.) An additional in-depth interview I gave is published here.

January 2016
Moving again and Haiti!
I moved to the Pacific North-wet…specifically, Portland, Oregon, as of January 2016. I also spent three weeks in Haiti during January 2016, for Vodou ceremonies and visiting family.

January 2015
PantheaCon, February 2015, lectures and events
I was at PantheaCon in San Jose, CA again. Our annual service demonstration in honor of the Lwa Danbala-Wedo and Ayida-Wedo (Saturday evening), and Vodou-related classes and social events, were hosted by the Sosyete suite. I lectured on ancient Egyptian festival calendars, related to my Ancient Egyptian Daybook, on Sunday afternoon.

September 2014
Blogging at – Kemet Today
A new polytheist news and opinion collaborative media website,, has gone live, and I was a columnist there. You can read my section, Kemet Today, at this website.  [Note: this website is no longer functional as of 2023 and the project has closed; this news item remains for archival purposes only.]

11-13 July, 2014
Polytheist Leadership Conference, Fishkill NY
I was the keynote speaker for the first Polytheist Leadership Conference, held in upstate NY. You can read my thoughts about it, and a transcript of my keynote, here.  [Note: this website is no longer functional and I am no longer associated with this event in any way; this news item remains for archival purposes only.]

April 2014
I’ll be in England for the House of Netjer’s first European retreat mid-month, and also to do some talking about The Ancient Egyptian Daybook. All the events are private, but I’m excited to be able to visit the UK for the first time!

5 March 2014
Wyrd Ways Radio Interview
I was interviewed on Wyrd Ways Radio about Kemetic Orthodoxy and Kemetic polytheisms. (You can hear the interview here; it starts at approximately 1:03:00. Note I am no longer associated with the hosts in any way; this news item remains for archival purposes only.]

January 2014
PantheaCon, February 2014, lectures and events
I attended PantheaCon in San Jose, CA in both my Rev. Tamara and Mambo T capacities. In addition to a ceremony in honor of the Lwa Danbala-Wedo and Ayida-Wedo (Saturday evening), and other Vodou-related classes and social events hosted by the Sosyete’s suite, I hosted a Kemetic Orthodox ceremony on Sunday morning, an authors’ panel about ancestors after that in the Llewellyn suite, and a book signing for Haitian Vodou, The Ancient Egyptian Prayerbook, The Ancient Egyptian Daybook, and other publications Sunday afternoon.

December 2013
Moving (again)!
As of December 17, I moved to the Inland Empire of Southern California. I accepted a fellowship transfer for my doctoral work to continue, and started at Claremont Graduate University in January 2014.

June 2013 is live
A site for THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN DAYBOOK project funded via Kickstarter went live in June 2013. Check out the website for updates and ordering information.

May 2013
Article about Kemetic Orthodoxy in PAGAN DAWN
I was invited to write a guest article about my work with Kemetic Orthodoxy for issue #187 of Pagan Dawn, the journal of The Pagan Federation in the UK. “Immortal Kemet: The revival of ancient Egyptian polytheism” appears on pages 38-41, in a very nice spread with photographs. Contact them about a copy here.

14 March 2013
THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN DAYBOOK Kickstarter – Funding Successful!
see the Kickstarter page for more information. We raised $17,144, or more than 500% of the initial $3,000 goal. The final project was published in 2016.

June and July 2012
Haiti Reads Book Drive
see this post for more information. I’ll be accepting books until 15 July 2012.

18-19 May, 2012
Wing Fest New York City

The first annual Wing Fest was a multi-location event for Kemetic Orthodox people to honor all the ancient Egyptian deities Who have wings. Ritual and social events took place all over the world during the week, and I appeared at events in New York City on Friday and Saturday, to meet and greet our membership and give a  lecture on Saturday at the Borough of Manhattan Community College.

April 2012
“Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole” interview/podcast, Radio
I was interviewed about my work with Kemetic Orthodoxy by Andrieh and Jason of the Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole radio show on Para-X Internet radio. Episode 51 was recorded and is available from the above link.

January 2012
PantheaCon, February 2012 lectures and events
I’ll be at PantheaCon in San Jose, CA this February in both Rev. Tamara and Mambo T capacities. In addition to a lecture about Haitian Vodou (Sunday afternoon), a ceremony in honor of the Lwa Danbala-Wedo and Ayida-Wedo (Saturday evening), and other classes and social events hosted by the Sosyete’s suite, I hosted a Kemetic Orthodox ceremony in honor of Wesir (Osiris) (Sunday morning), a panel with other authors about whether or not we consider ourselves Pagans (later Sunday morning), and a book signing/release party for Haitian Vodou (Sunday afternoon). We also donated our space for a Llewellyn authors’ mixer in our suite on Saturday evening.

January 2012
Haitian Vodou: An Introduction to Haiti’s Indigenous Spiritual Tradition by Mambo Chita Tann (my Haitian name) was released on 10 January 2012 (earlier than its projected 8 February 2012 date). More information about it is available at the official HAITIAN VODOU release website.

January 2012
An official website for my upcoming book on Haitian Vodou went live on January 6.