Category: Politics

  • (Winter of?) Discontent

    I am not content. I look at this blog and I want to update it. I want to update the website, too. I want to get new photographs and collect more information to put here and post more often and and and and…. And I’m writing my dissertation, with which I am currently also discontent…

  • Opening doors

    Zigzag is complaining at me again. He’s frustrated that I seem to spend so much of my time sitting in front of the bright box on the desk, and not enough time petting him or playing with him. He’s also fussy and not sure what he wants; if I do stop, pick up a toy,…

  • Pause

    Back from my third trip/event since 2017 began. Early morning thanks to jet lag means looking at my calendar, sorting what needs to be done, and preparing for my next trip, to Paganicon in March. Zigzag won’t leave visual contact, which means he’s not trusting me to stay home already. There are still 20-odd cartons of Ancient…

  • Introducing The #MarriageMilitia Project

    NOTE: the project listed here is now live and has its own website. Thank you! My readers either went to bed last night or woke up to news about the transition of government in my country. We have a new president-elect and Congress that are all from the same party for the first time in…

  • News and new posts and websites, oh my!

    Plenty going on around here since my last post about the Kickstarter campaign. Incidentally, if you missed the campaign but you’d still like to get in on campaign-packaged perks before the Daybook release, there’s now a website for that. I’ve also been posting to my religious blog, which has a new URL (the old one…