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Seven years and a Blot on the landscape
It’s been seven years since I started this blog. Really? I’d been posting mostly at my Patreon in the last few months while I wait for this site to be redesigned, which is why you’ve missed me. I’ve also opened a Blot, a new sort of microblog, in hopes of jumpstarting my brain into little…
100 Gods of Egypt Kickstarter live!
This afternoon, my latest project for Kickstarter went live: a Make 100 series project called “100 Gods of Egypt.” You can check it out for yourself here! Please help me spread the word!
(Winter of?) Discontent
I am not content. I look at this blog and I want to update it. I want to update the website, too. I want to get new photographs and collect more information to put here and post more often and and and and…. And I’m writing my dissertation, with which I am currently also discontent…
Rainy Day Thinking
It’s pouring rain. I missed this sound this summer more than I realized, if my reaction is any indication. The scent of wet leaves and earth, the sound of the runoff from the roof and the pattering on the window next to where I’m typing, the need to turn on a light because it’s so…
For most, July is the “middle” of the year, when things slow down and get lazy, the heat of the summer (or the cold of the winter, if you’re in the other hemisphere) starts getting to you, and thoughts turn not to immediate plans but the past and the future. For me, it’s the final…
Got any book recommendations?