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Category: California
Opening doors
Zigzag is complaining at me again. He’s frustrated that I seem to spend so much of my time sitting in front of the bright box on the desk, and not enough time petting him or playing with him. He’s also fussy and not sure what he wants; if I do stop, pick up a toy,…
“Book Jail”
It’s been a while. I have posted occasionally at Kemet Today – and that reminds me I need to get Theanos another installment – but otherwise, the last months have been spent continuing Daybook research/writing and completing another year of graduate school. I’m one semester short of finishing coursework now. For those who don’t do…
…has it really been six months?
No, actually. It’s been seven since I moved. Wow. I’ve been blogging, actually, just not on this particular site (forgive me). There are ruminations about Vodou over at, and then I have been posting about the various things that I do in my Kemetic practice on the official website for that. It seems that…
First days in the Inland Empire
We survived the move from San Jose to the 909, as my friends in Pomona are calling the area. Is everything in Southern California reducible to numbers? Sometimes I wonder. Ru and Zig managed through eight hours or so on the road.