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Category: Ethics
A curious lecture at Curious Gallery 2017
I’ll be speaking at the Curious Gallery here in Portland on January 8. (You’d think they invented this event just for me with that name, wouldn’t you?) Dead Wrong: “Mummy Parties” and Other Shocking Curiosities Sunday, January 8, 2017 3:00pm When does curiosity cross the line? From Napoleon’s famous invasion of Egypt to the modern…
Introducing The #MarriageMilitia Project
NOTE: the project listed here is now live and has its own website. Thank you! My readers either went to bed last night or woke up to news about the transition of government in my country. We have a new president-elect and Congress that are all from the same party for the first time in…
There have been some moves in my life since last I blogged. Some were expected, some were not, and at least one was long, long overdue. I’m out of the Inland Empire. As I’d noted in June, I’m not built for triple-digit heat. Living closer to San Bernardino and the mountains than Malibu and the…
Remembering the Cutting – 1937’s “Parsley Massacre”
I mention this event briefly in Haitian Vodou: An Introduction to Haiti’s Indigenous Spiritual Tradition, but it deserves far more space and publicity than it received there. Most people living in the Western world, when asked about genocide, immediately think of the Holocaust (HaShoah), or perhaps more recent “ethnic cleansing” campaigns carried out in various…
Kemet Today post on Osama bin Laden
Much as I’d rather not post about politics all the time, obviously this is not something I could ignore, especially after I said something about 9/11 that ended up in a book about the subject. You can read the post here, on my Kemetic Orthodox blog. Right now, I’m just wrestling with my thoughts. I’m…