Category: Uncategorized

  • Ancient Egyptian Daybook updates (Halfway there…)

    This is crazy. We’ve still got 16 days to go on the Kickstarter campaign for The Ancient Egyptian Daybook. By this morning, we’ve doubled the original goal already, and are well on our way to stretch goal number one. I don’t know whether to giggle and point or shake in terror. This entire experience has…

  • Winter holidays: This one goes up to eleven

    A Twitter acquaintance linked to an article called 11 Winter Holidays You Might Not Know About today. While checking my feed, I clicked on it, because I’m always curious about cultural expressions, and I like to test my knowledge. Imagine my utter surprise when I read the last holiday on the list. Number 11 is…

  • October, already?

    Hard to believe the summer’s gone and we’re back in October already. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Parsley Massacre in the Dominican Republic, something I wrote a long article about last year, which I mentioned at length in Haitian Vodou. Haiti is still very much on my mind. Though I admit this summer, I’ve…

  • Route 66, Day 7: Barstow, San Bernardino….take that California trip

    (Note: Links and photos (finally!) added 9 May 2012. Hope you enjoyed the trip!) Thursday morning dawned warm. Noticed the palm trees at the hotel door on my way out to get started for the morning, and noted the amount of miles I had to cover. This was going to be a long day, but…

  • “Habeas Data” and 1970s thoughts about our computing future

    This afternoon, while I was waiting for the boiler work to be completed and taking my lunch in the dining room, I grabbed a magazine from the top of a box that was gifted to me by the widow of my first mentor in Egyptology, Frank J. Yurco. The cover of the November 1970 issue…