Tag: Ancient Egyptian Daybook

  • “Book Jail”

    It’s been a while. I have posted occasionally at Kemet Today – and that reminds me I need to get Theanos another installment – but otherwise, the last months have been spent continuing Daybook research/writing and completing another year of graduate school. I’m one semester short of finishing coursework now. For those who don’t do…

  • The Ancient Egyptian Daybook – important updates

    Happy Egyptian New Year (or di wep ronpet nofret, as they’d say in old Memphis). If you’re a pledge backer or have a preorder for The Ancient Egyptian Daybook, you want to see some important information about a special gift on Kickstarter, right away! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tsiuda/the-ancient-egyptian-daybook/posts/938572 More news soon.

  • …has it really been six months?

    No, actually. It’s been seven since I moved. Wow. I’ve been blogging, actually, just not on this particular site (forgive me). There are ruminations about Vodou over at imamou.org, and then I have been posting about the various things that I do in my Kemetic practice on the official website for that. It seems that…

  • In between: an update of a different sort

    Ru is very, very angry with me right now. I’m not being mean to him, precisely. But the apartment is full of boxes, nothing is where it’s supposed to be, and instead of sitting and petting him in my lap as I watched the evening news, I was shifting boxes from one room to another,…

  • News and new posts and websites, oh my!

    Plenty going on around here since my last post about the Kickstarter campaign. Incidentally, if you missed the campaign but you’d still like to get in on campaign-packaged perks before the Daybook release, there’s now a website for that. I’ve also been posting to my religious blog, which has a new URL (the old one…