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Category: KIN
The Ancient Egyptian Daybook: watch us grow!
Here’s a little widget that is tracking our progress with The Ancient Egyptian Daybook project on Kickstarter. If you didn’t believe that social media has benefits before, you can see it in all its glorious data proof here. The two big “bumps” in the last week came after significant social media attention. We’ve got a…
Ten thousand.
There’s one week left in my Kickstarter campaign for the Ancient Egyptian Daybook project, and today, we reached our first stretch goal of ten thousand dollars. I’m trying to wrap my head around the idea that people (at least two-thirds of whom are unknown to me) are supporting my ability to publish a project that’s…
Ancient Egyptian Daybook updates (Halfway there…)
This is crazy. We’ve still got 16 days to go on the Kickstarter campaign for The Ancient Egyptian Daybook. By this morning, we’ve doubled the original goal already, and are well on our way to stretch goal number one. I don’t know whether to giggle and point or shake in terror. This entire experience has…
Winter holidays: This one goes up to eleven
A Twitter acquaintance linked to an article called 11 Winter Holidays You Might Not Know About today. While checking my feed, I clicked on it, because I’m always curious about cultural expressions, and I like to test my knowledge. Imagine my utter surprise when I read the last holiday on the list. Number 11 is…
Magic for the New Year – Ptah’s Building Heka for Year 19
Happy New Year 2012 to all of you! My Kemetic Orthodox readers have already heard this from me; our religious new year started in August. At that time, during our Wep Ronpet (“Opening the Year,” the ancient name of the New Year festival) retreat, we shared a bit of heka with each other to usher…