Ten thousand.

There’s one week left in my Kickstarter campaign for the Ancient Egyptian Daybook project, and today, we reached our first stretch goal of ten thousand dollars.

I’m trying to wrap my head around the idea that people (at least two-thirds of whom are unknown to me) are supporting my ability to publish a project that’s taken up considerable life real estate. That doesn’t even count the actual figure.

Ten thousand dollars. That’s seven more than I asked for. That’s enough to budget to upgrade a 12-year-old laptop, so I can take something lighter and less broken with me to the university libraries where I’m getting more information, and when I get to travel to give lectures about the project to people who actually want me to do this, and are willing to pledge good money for me to do so.

I’m also trying to wrap my head around the fact that we still have a week to go, and the social media and print media snowball is rolling in my direction. This is one avalanche I won’t mind standing under. What a ride!

Thank you all so much. I really want to see if we can get to that third stretch goal for the app now. Can you help me boost this signal even louder? I can’t wait to see the results.


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