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Tag: technology
Thank you 17,144 times. And thank you, Dad.
When I called my mother last night, shortly before Neil Gaiman re-Tweeted my Kickstarter link and my social media blew up, she said: “I think you’ll get 17. Dad’s birthday is June 17th.” I laughed at her. We were at $13K at the time, and that itself was astonishing to me. I never thought this…
The Ancient Egyptian Daybook: watch us grow!
Here’s a little widget that is tracking our progress with The Ancient Egyptian Daybook project on Kickstarter. If you didn’t believe that social media has benefits before, you can see it in all its glorious data proof here. The two big “bumps” in the last week came after significant social media attention. We’ve got a…
Ancient Egyptian Daybook updates (Halfway there…)
This is crazy. We’ve still got 16 days to go on the Kickstarter campaign for The Ancient Egyptian Daybook. By this morning, we’ve doubled the original goal already, and are well on our way to stretch goal number one. I don’t know whether to giggle and point or shake in terror. This entire experience has…
The Ancient Egyptian Daybook – 222% funded with 19 days to go!
Eleven days ago, I started the Kickstarter campaign for The Ancient Egyptian Daybook, a follow-up project to the Ancient Egyptian Prayerbook I wrote a few years ago. The events of that afternoon were epic. I posted here, and on my Facebook page, and then went out to pick up some packages for the upcoming PantheaCon…
“Habeas Data” and 1970s thoughts about our computing future
This afternoon, while I was waiting for the boiler work to be completed and taking my lunch in the dining room, I grabbed a magazine from the top of a box that was gifted to me by the widow of my first mentor in Egyptology, Frank J. Yurco. The cover of the November 1970 issue…