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The Ancient Egyptian Daybook – 222% funded with 19 days to go!
Eleven days ago, I started the Kickstarter campaign for The Ancient Egyptian Daybook, a follow-up project to the Ancient Egyptian Prayerbook I wrote a few years ago. The events of that afternoon were epic.
I posted here, and on my Facebook page, and then went out to pick up some packages for the upcoming PantheaCon event I was attending with members of my temple and my Vodou sosyete. About an hour after I left the house, my cell phone started making lots of noises. Because I was driving, I didn’t look at them or answer, opting to check them at lunch.
As I sat down to eat some lunch at a local restaurant, I pulled out the phone. The top message (the most recent) said simply: “You made your goal.”
This made me pretty happy. I’d mentioned in the video and to my friends that I had a personal goal of raising $100/day, so that I could meet the campaign’s $3,000 total goal by the end of the month. This meant I wouldn’t have to figure out how to juggle advertising the page that evening on top of all my packing for the convention. So I texted back: “Great! Now we only have $2900 more or so? What’s it at?”
In reply, my friend sent me a screenshot of the Kickstarter page: with a big, fat $3100 or so on it. It had only been 90 minutes since I posted the page in the first place.
“Are you all right?”
I looked up, and the waiter was standing there patiently, with concern. I wondered what I looked like just then, and told him that yes, I was fine, I’d just gotten some sudden and unexpected news.
“Is it good news at least?” he asked next.
Yes. Yes, it was.
Eleven days later, the campaign is over $6600 now, and well on its way to the first, $10,000 stretch goal for additional high-quality print options. At $20,000 raised, I will be donating 50 copies of the finished product to the libraries of my sponsors’ choice. At $40,000 raised, a fully interactive calendar application will be created for iPhone and Android. (You can read more about the stretch goals in my third update, here.) We’re also open to other ideas, and to everyone’s contributions of any sort, whether monetary or otherwise. It’s been exciting and heartwarming.
I can’t believe it. But to make those stretch goals, I’m going to need even more help, and even more lunchtime surprises, than before. If you can share these links with your friends, help me get some media coverage, anything at all, I will be grateful. And the ancient calendar just might be available at the touch of a smartphone button. Wouldn’t the ancient astronomers be amused?
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