The Mysteries of Osiris (Wesir)

This week, we start a big celebration in the ancient Egyptian religion, that of the Mysteries of Wesir (called Osiris by the Greeks). According to our Kemetic Orthodox calendar, the festival starts today, and goes through the week. We’ll be celebrating it together, both online at simulcast ceremonies, and offline at Tawy House starting on Friday. I’m excited that I will be able to be there in person again this year for the night vigil and the feast.

In previous years, I wrote some meditations on the Night Vigil itself. They were profound to me at the time, and so I’ll share the link to them, if you’re interested, on the original blog they appeared on.

I also commented about the Mysteries last year, on this blog, along with links to a website by one of His priests, Rev. Raheriwesir.

Over the past several years, I found myself particularly drawn to thinking about various actors in the ritual drama that enacts Wesir’s death and burial, and rising in the Beautiful West. During those celebrations, I examined the role of Set (“how do you kill your own brother, even if it’s necessary?”), the tension between Aset and Wesir (“how do you have a relationship when one of you is dead/can never be in the same place again?”), and the nature of Wesir’s sacrifice itself.

This year, I don’t even have to guess what role I’m already thinking about. I lost my own father on September 23. I’m sure that this year, I will be considering the nature of Heru-sa-Aset’s position in the Mysteries, as well as that of my beloved Lady, Nebt-het (Nephthys), as the chief mourner, along with her sister the newly-widowed Aset (Isis). It may be a tough celebration this year, but that won’t make it any less beautiful.

Interestingly enough, the 70-day mourning period for my father ends on December 2, just as we complete the Mysteries.

If you celebrate, may it be a beautiful holiday. If you do not, consider the nature of this Great Story during our holiest week, and accept our well wishes.


2 responses to “The Mysteries of Osiris (Wesir)”

  1. Gus Pinto Avatar

    “as well as that of my beloved Lady, Nebt-het (Nephthys)”
    She is wonderful indeed. The comfort She has brought to my heart over the past few years has been a precious, precious gift ๐Ÿ™‚
    Dua Nebt-het, Dua “Mom” ๐Ÿ™‚

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